Thursday, 14 February 2019

Five mantra for loving relationship

Happy Valentine 2019, with lots of hugs, kiss, chocolates, roses and gifts and dosages of love.

Have you wonder how our parents are still together? How much they love each other? They are so indifferent and opposite to each other, but still they are together. Both of them have lots of complaints about each other but still they cannot leave without each other and have a care for each other. Do you have such type of confidence about your relationship? will be like this when you grew older? If yes, then skip the post!! But if you are a struggling couple then please have a look in it, it might will helpful to you. After having kids, it is very difficult to keep love in your relationship, yes or no? So let’s discuss what the loopholes are!

Ok guys; tell me how many of you are still goes on date with your spouse? I know you must be surprising what question I am asking. Yes we are married for a years and I am asking to go on dating! But trust me once you tried it, you will start to find love again. Try to meet your spouse on date beside your kids and family members. You will definitely find a new meaning to your life. Do try to goes on such date – (with your spouse only 😅😍 )at least once in two months and see the drastic change.

We are in male dominated society especially in India and our mother used to tell us that we girls need to change ourselves according to the husband and in-laws. Because we don’t have an identity without our husband, aren’t we? Though there are single woman parents too…! Though she has a career, job and all that, but without husband a lady have no identity. So how many of you changed yourself according to the family requirement? I guess, we all! Right! After all what we want is to have a happy home with happy and loving people. That’s make a true home …yes or no mommies? 

Though I am not a professional, still I want to give 5 mantras to have love in your relationship forever.  Husband and wife are the two wheels of our van and while fulfilling all the responsibility we tend to forget each other. Follow this easy pessy mantras, or hacks, or tips whatever you may call, with patience and feel the changes. 
Communication: Do there is need to hide something from your spouse? I guess no, if you have regular communication at least 5 to 10 minutes in a day.  For the sake of peace, being a silence will not only increase a distance between husband and wife but it will create lot of assumption about each other. That will create wrong impression and it will get carry forward throughout the life, which is not good. Do speak with each other, I mean speak not fight. Do not create any assumption which controls your mind. It will lead to very difficult situation. Try to share each and every thing with your spouse. That will boost the respect and dispute level will really come down. I know some of the couple finds very difficult to have a talk, but believe me just give out a try to have a communication and sharing your views in polite manner. Do try from this valentine and see the result. I think half of your problem will solve.

Trust: No matter whatever happens always trust each other. If you have communication habit, the trust will generate automatically. Communication means to share a small small things whatever happen in day to day life, your feeling, your expectation, your weakness, what has gone wrong or right etc. Remember do not try to prove that “I AM RIGHT” thing. Do trust each other and there will no right or wrong person thought cater your mind. Half of the problem starts with this only “Who is the right”. Communication is the key of TRUST.

Love : Are you finding it is difficult to maintain? How many times do you hug, or kiss each other? These small things always matter. Keep beside your so called ego and hug each other, say “Love You”, it sound funny like a teenagers, but trust me do try once and make a habit of this. Be available for your spouse in your busy schedule life, because your precious time is means to him or her. Rings, gifts, Gold, Diamond, Apparel, Accessories….these are doesn’t matter if you do not have a little bit time for each other. Love is always in sharing small things and not in big pocket gift.

No Expectation: This is last but not the least tip. Please try to minimize your expectation. Half of the quarrels began with this word expectation. I know this is quite difficult. We used to expecting from our spouse without saying anything. We are under impression that she or he might get understand automatically, and when it does not happen, your heart will broke and that leads to the disappointment. Instead of that lower down your expectation. Once you have kids, you reached at certain level of maturity, use that. Still if it not works just tell him or her upfrontly what are you expecting, it will cost you nothing. 

Accept : This is the last but very important tip . Accept how is your spouse is. Never try to change him or her. We ladies always changed as per our parents wish, then our husbands wish and then as per our kids requirement. Try to accept your wife as she is or try to accept your husband the way he is. But this does not mean that you should accept his or her wrong behavior. Remember first mantra – communication- this will always help you. When you accept something the way it is, you will be going to have peaceful mind and so peaceful family.

Lastly I will strongly recommend try to keep your quarrels between husband and wife’s only. Don’t give out the stress to your parents and do not try to have mediator. After all this is our life, we are going to stay forever with each other. So try to resolve the issue by yourself only.

I used lot of quotes because I started to follow this mindfulness and hence want to have a peace in your life. Once you start to follow it will really help you to bring out the best person in you. 

I hope this gyan will help you to settle down your relationship. Make this valentine special with your spouse by giving out your precious time. Celebrate it with lots of love and happiness.

What is your special mantra to maintain the relationship? Comment down please.
PS. Images from pexels
Quotes from tiny buddha


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