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How are you ? April is started already and how life is going? Steady or with full speed? Mine is going with full speed. Mini vacation are over and school has started. Again we are busy with school, study little bit and toddlers play time. Healthy dinners are the most important part of our Indian houses. We Indian families have everyday dinner together because it is the time where we meet each other and we talk with each other.  This was the scene of our childhood lives. Many of you agreed with it.  But,  In my house dinner time is where we strictly off the screens whether it is big or small screens and talk over the meal.  Dinner is the special time where we all have meals with discussion and laughter so we did it mindfully.  A healthy dinner has always been my goal. Earlier there was a house help when my baby was small but now we don't have any help. So the goal is to cook food at home and have a meal with the family, which is sometimes very difficult. But with meal planning I ma
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