Saturday, 19 September 2020

EVS Printable for 2 nd Grade

Online school is a new digital move of our India. Our kids are really blessed to have such a type of digital school at home. Hats off to the teachers who are doing such a great job for students. For some people, it may be a headache and for some people it is worthy. Alas, different people have different opinions. But for me, it is such a blessing to have an interrupted education at home. Instead of indulging in TV, TAB, a smartphone child can seat for a school and have their education. 


Yes, everything has it's pro and cons and this digital school also have some cons. We will not discuss that over here. Due to this pandemic, we have no other option. We should appreciate schools and school teachers for their hard work. They do focus on completing the syllabus and we should take care of clearing the concept of our children.

How to clear the concept in studies?

Parents need to help their child to understand the concept. We do get a chance to know what are the main problems with our kids? Do they really understand whatever the teacher teaching? Do they able to cope up with the studies? What kind of problems they actually face? etc.

We as parents need to sit with our children and should take an effort to clear their basic concept. Because once this pandemic over and everything will get to the routine at that time our child should not be blank. We have to pay attention to that our child should have an ample opportunity to clear the concept.


Students learn quickly and forget quickly too😊. We need to give them practice with the hands of learning activity. Here I am sharing out some practice worksheets which are helpful in learning the lessons, new vocabulary, and the whole chapter concept. I don't believe in rote learning and hence I designed these worksheets. These are, especially for 2nd grade. This 2020 offers to homeschool of our child and hence we should give them an ample amount of practice.

What is the subject?

Environmental studies for 2nd grade. This pack includes 3 chapters.

My family

Plants and types of plants

Usages of plants

What is the content of the printables?

Word search: 

This word search grid helps the student with the spelling. Every child love to find the word in the grid and this is the way you can teach them new words. You don’t need to mug up the spelling. You can check out my post on how to teach spelling here.

Descriptive writing: 

If you want your child should learn to write by themselves without mugging up anything then use this sheet. Just give out the simple words or they may already know the words from the above grid. Ask them to make a small sentence about a family. They will be happy when they came to know that they can write on their own.

Multiple Choice Question: 

Currently, this is a new one and exams are going like this only, right?  This worksheet is useful but for that students need to clear the concept. To solve any multiple-choice questions child should know the lesson properly and without practice that is not possible. 

And printable contains many more activities. 


Tips for parents:

1. Do not study only for the test.

2. Try to think beyond that and make sure that your child can have clearance in each topic.

3. Never measure their performance on the basis of marks.

4. Try to teach them in an easy play way.

5. Try to include small activity and teach them the basic concept.

Yes, I emphasize basic concepts because as a teacher I saw high school grade students are unable to understand their lessons just because they do not have their basic brush up at the primary level. So please focus on the practice instead of rote- learning.

If your child finds any difficulty in types of plant lessons please go through this video. It might help your child. Link :

You can take printout as many times as you want or just flip this printable in the file envelop and use a marker so that you can use it over and over again. It will give out a good amount of practice. 

Click here for free download.

Sharing is caring. 

If you want to purchase the whole pack please write to You can comment down with your email id.

Till then

Happy Learning.


  1. Wow Neeta you had design these worksheet by yourselves. Amazing. I also believe kids should learn basic very well and should avoid rote learning for making a strong foundation for future.

  2. Very useful post during this present situation when every child is studying through online for parents are very important.thanks for sharing

  3. Thank you Surbhi and Anynomos for your feedback. Plz share it ..

  4. Wow Neeta! Worksheets look great. I agree that teachers are taking a great efforts to teach children online. We as parents must respect and value this.

  5. Yes, we parents need to value this.

  6. Online learning is new and tough for kids and parents and teachers alike. So it's very imp to get our kids concepts cleared when making them study. And wow you have made all those worksheets. That's great.

  7. Wow, this is a great post and the worksheets are super useful. I am a montessori practioner at home, so I completely belive in child-led learning rather than rote method

  8. These printables seem to be really helpful!
    I had been teaching EVS to class 1 and 2 for the past 2 years and I would love to contribute to these worksheets if anyone would want some... 😊

  9. Wow Neeta! You designed worksheets for your kid. That's amazing. I also believe that only writing might not help them and a little activities and worksheets go a long way. I rely on Pinterest alot.

  10. Wow !! Hats off to you for making this worksheets.
    Online learning is new normal for kids now. Good to see both pros and cons of the online learning.

  11. Online study is new for kids and it is necessary to clear the concept first. You have prepared the worksheets so good.

  12. Thank you small towinee, Singdha n khyati for appreciation. Share it with those require. I am selling of this worksheet.

  13. Love your take on this. And as you said, its has two views pros and con's. I personally feel it a little difficult. For p2 and a 2year old. But the teachers are doing a very good job!

  14. Yes, Sadvika, i personally feel it is not necessary to have pre-k online school. They can rely on activity assignment.


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