Saturday, 27 June 2020

How to teach more than 30 words in a 15 minute

When you start to read aloud with your child it improves their listening skills. Listening helps to increase vocabulary. Practice and repetition make a habit that will enhance your child’s vocabulary. If you still haven’t started reading to your child just start it.

Image Source: Pintrest

It is very important to build up the habit of reading at an early age and it can be started from our lap only. Do you know why children don’t like to read because they are not able to identify the word. I am sharing how you can teach more than 30 words to your child within 15 minutes. This is especially for the age group of 4 to 7 years.

Listening will be the basic part when there is the question, how to teach words to small kids? Most of the time parents tend to rote learning because we have been through this. Ratta, and ratta and ratta, but seriously it will not work at all. If your child misses a single letter of the particular word he will not able to memorize the full spelling. Yes, there are some words that need to memories but ratta is not the option.

Phonics plays a very important role in early learners.  The more your child reads the more he will be curious to know the new word and the more he will eager to learn the new word. Today I am sharing how we are doing this. This is my strategy which I am practicing since my little one was in kindergarten and it is really effective.

We are still learning phonics. Always go with the word family which makes a child a better learner. The child learns lots of new words within a minute. When a child gets to know that he can read more than 30 words in a short period of span he will be happy and his interest will increase. Learning should be always in a happy mode instead of the forced.

First we need to teach the child to recognize this blend and then ask them to read the whole word with this blend. Create the above chart and first practice this blend only. Once he recognizes blend then go with the word family. Example PL is the blend and words which start with this PL blend are plants, pluck, plan, play, etc.

During this lockdown my child is not at all ready to study with a pencil and notebook. Yes, she is more interested in teaching on board. So I thought to use this whiteboard. I create a reading wall and write a bunch of words on an alternate day. I ask her to read the words from this reading wall which hardly take 10 or 15 minutes, yes, only 10 or 15 minutes. Check out the video it might be helpful for you.


After reading gives a different kind of activities related to this word. The same which we used to give to our kindergarten students like match up, guess the word or write the word. The more you practice this kind of activity the more your child tends to learn without ratta.

The same pattern goes with the other language study too. These are some Marathi word which we practice.

I hope the article will help you, parents. Comment below which technique you use for your child. So that I can get a new idea from you.


Till then,

Happy Learning!!

Saturday, 6 June 2020

An accidental visit to the Apple Farm

I am belonging to the west coast and love to roam freely with mango orchards especially in the summer holiday. It was an awesome feeling to have Alphonso mango tree around you at reachable heights from where you can pluck mango easily 😀. We have mango once in the year and yes that “AMARAI” looks awesome.

(PS: Amazon)

Since my childhood, I always wonder how the apple is cultivated. The same question is now asked by my daughter too. She is an apple lover and I am not. Glad that my child loves to eat apple more than a banana. As I grew up I came to know the details procedure and wished to have a visit to the Apple Orchards once in a lifetime and yes, my dreams come true.

(PS: India Mart)

It was on Kashmir's visit when we were on our way to Pahalgam. A visit to Apple Orchard was not on our tour list. Still, wherever we went we saw only and only rose and apple tree. Each house had these trees in front of their door. This is the way nature is cultivated and preserved by this society. 

They do not have tall buildings, big complexes, and tons of vehicles. That is why Kashmir air is so fresh and you can feel the cool breeze. Nature is always showering their love to humans but it is “WE” cannot able to sustain it. If we can preserve in a little bit manner I think everywhere will be the greenery.

Yes, that is why now nature tested us. Nature giving abundantly and we humans start to misuse it. We deserve this "CORONA" and all other natural calamities which we are facing since March 2020. These all are a big punishment by nature. Let's understand and accept that nature creates us and it is only and only nature who can destroy us. And that also within a blink of eyes. Respect and preserve nature.

Back in the story, we had our small van and at one point of highway-side, we stopped for our lunch. Oh my God! The rush of the hotel was terrific. You will be surprised to know that we have to stand behind the table like we do in the marriage ceremony😆  and turn by turn we all got our seats and the magic was our order came on a table within a few minutes you can say, 10 minutes. But the waiters were very rude or I can say they have to act rude so that more customers can have their meal.

After finishing our meal we stopped on the other side of the highway for photo-shoot! You know, we can’t miss a single chance of photo-shoot. Near our van, there was a small shop of Apple Juice and we were talking with him. He said here is the Apple Farm. I ran with my friend on that farm with his permission before anyone enters because we have to complete our photo-shoot.😎 jokes apart but yes once you go with the big group it is very difficult to manage them without hurting anyone. 

So this is the Apple Farm. Do you know what was the cost of this Apple? Rs.20 or Rs.10 Per kg.  I wished I can bring as more as I can, the red, green KASHMIRI APPLE.

He was telling us about the farm and showed us the baby apple. April is not the season of apples but yes it is July and August. He took that baby apple in his hand and said, madam, you can take photos too. I was so happy that we got an entry into that apple orchard and also had some pics. It happens very rarely. See here is the bunch of tiny apples. 

Both sides of each highway were filled with only and only apple farms. Seriously nature gives us everything without charging a single penny and we have to preserve this for our next generation.

{PS: Amazon}

If you want red chicks just stay for some days in Kashmir and eat too many apples and within one week you will have red chicks. You don't need to apply any blush. Our kids had such natural blush on their cheeks within a week.

Do you like an apple? Comment down, please. I hope you enjoy this virtual farm visit where I can able to take you. Stay tuned for more such exciting travel post.

Till then stay home and take care.

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