Saturday, 9 December 2017

Tractor : Book Review

Happy December,

I am back after a long break with many exciting activities that we did at home, new tried recipes and more travelling post. Memory flies has a new blog yayyy….we are on word press now so that many of you can be able to communicate with me. However, this post is still on my old blog. I am still learning word press. May be next post on word press….hope so…!!! 

Book Review - How many of you are really found of reading. I am one of the bookworms and so my child is too. I started read aloud with her at eight months. Whenever I want to gift her, I always try to give her a new book and she loves it. Please tell me in the comment section how many of your kiddos love to read.

Tractors - Our favorite book. We read it almost thousands of times. Saee read it with her father, mother and if there is any guest as if her grandfather or uncle, then she told them to read also. We do have tons of book including storybooks, but this is one of our best books.

Written by Stella Maidment and illustrated by Katie Saunders.

I love the illustration part of the book.  It is illustrated in such way that neither a small child nor an adult get bored while reading. I always love this kind of books, which have more picture and small sentences. With the help of pictures child can relate the story. These empower not only child’s imagination power but also improve a vocabulary.

It is all about Tractors. How tractor looks, how it works, who drive the tractors and what are the uses of tractors. More about it explain in such way that it enhance the other learning skills too. It have counting, maze, recognition of farm animals, community helpers and last but not the list picture sequence story.

First two pages explain how tractors look like, how many wheels it has. How many engine it have and how many people seat inside it. How are the tiers of the tractors?  Then there is the question to find out the track of tractor by comparing with other objects. One kind of visual discrimination, as child has to look closely and find out the right answers. Saee’s favorite page shows that tractor can plough the fields. Child has to find out which tractors ploughed the straight line and curved line. She loves to do it repeatedly. 

Counting activity: Tractors carry a heavy loads…lets count how many logs are there. The next page is the picture of community helpers like dancer, doctor, driver, and receptionist. Child has to find who the driver is.  

Maze activity : Tractors carried the hay to the cow and asked the child to help the tractor to show the road. Every child love to do maze…..right!!

Big farm with pictures of farm animals. Tractors digging a big hole for making pond. You can ask the child who will live in that pond.  Is it hen, duck, or cat? Can you show me how many farm animals are there? Can you count and name them?

Find out the bigger, smaller tractors. Last but not the list picture sequence. Saee love to make a story by sequencing the picture in correct order.

I love this interactive books which includes so many skills that child can learn while reading. You can ask number of Wh- questions to your child.  If your child refused to learn counting, maze or reading…get this type of book and start read aloud with your kidddo. I am sure that he or she loves it.
Last part is the question which tractor you would like to drive. There are three tractors so we decide which tractor is belongs  to pappa, mumma and Saee !

Saee did not like the book when we bought it.  In fact, first two month she was not at all ready to open the book. Slowly I started to read it myself and then she likes to read. Now she can read herself with the help of picture. She can able to make a sentence and explain me the story. I cannot express my feeling in words- how you feel when your small child read a book to you. You can only feel it , right mommies!!

 I will recommend must have book in your kiddos library.  

Which is your child’s favourite bedtime book?

Thank you for stopping by.

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Saturday, 5 August 2017

Review - Laundromat

Laundry…! A tedious and hectic job….right ladies…? There are only piles of clothes on my sofa, bed, in living room almost everywhere in my house. I do the laundry twice a week. No matter how many time I try to organize my laundry routine it gets mess up again and again. Is this happens with you too? Please let me know in the comment section below. I always wonder if there is any helper to wash my laundry…but you knows how the house maid wash our clothes. Either they forget to rub the clothes properly or not able to squeeze the surf water from the clothes. Dhobi….yes we tend to have dhobi too…but I do not like to give clothes to them for washing because you do not know in which water he is going to wash your clothes and how many dirty clothes are mixed with our clothes. Last but not the list its Washing Machine….yes we all have it but again you need to rub dirty clothes by hands specially hubby’s clothes and bed sheet too and then we need to throw it in our washing machine. Again, it is time consuming. Husshhhh…..i am really being fed up to laundry.

Recently I have been through with the “QUICK’N CLEAN LAUNDROMAT” You might may know about it.

We have this service at our neighborhood, which is surprisingly big hit. As their name suggest Quick and clean…yes it is very quick. All you need to have your dirty clothes only. One of the person came to collect your clothes and will get back within 1 hour with wash, dried and iron cloth at your doorsteps. Yesss….it is in one hour. I am very happy that I get the right solution for my laundry. Clothes are being washed, dried, iron and directly goes in my closet. There is no piling all over in the house.

Let me explain how it works.

Quick’n Clean Laundromat as the name suggests it is unique and hygiene that involve wash dry fold and press.

Here is the Laundry man…..ha ha ha….Washing machine that can wash load minimum 3kg  and maximum 10 kg at a time. Therefore, do not worry that your clothes are being mixed with other’s dirty clothes. This is called the hygiene. 

Without wasting a do let me give you a quick summary how they work.
# All household clothes like daily wear, office wear, bed sheet, curtains, blankets and quilts.
# it is washed in world class washing machine made in USA
# washed the clothes with clean water
# With special and soft detergents that is no harmful to your clothes and give long life to your clothes.
# worked on kilo basis i.e wash load up to 10 kg
# last but not the list it save our Electricity, Water and time.

This is the office

Neat and clean with proper sitting arrangement. They have weighing machine to weight your clothes.

Let go inside ….. yup….she is my friend so I got the entry. No one is allowed to enter in this room without permission.

Laundry basket

Washer and dryer

The ironing table

most important  Rate Card.

I think this is the best solution to our dirty laundry. Rates are  quite reasonable. We gave our office clothes around 3 kg and get washed ,dried, and ironed in 1 hour @ Rs. 290/ only.

Yesss…guys it is washed and dried completely specially pants and jeans in this rainy season.

You can see how it is clean, collar and bottoms of the pants. Me and Nitin both are very happy to this service. We are rating this service to 4 out of 5.

Let meet the person behind this Mrs. Diksha Dhiraj Bhise the backbone and support of Laundromat. Her husband Mr. Dhiraj Bhise provides the service.

Anyone who is ready for investment can start work on this. They are going to worked on franchise basis. Those who are interested can call up on 8433922245 or 8433922246 or can email .

Which Laundry routine you are following? 

Thank you for stopping by.

Friday, 28 July 2017

Favourite Toys

Hello there…!!!

Husshh….I am feeling so satisfying that my kitchen project is completed. We have a very small kitchen and organization of such small space is really challenged for me. By doing some research via pintrest I am able to organize that one which we like it, but still there are many more things which I need to update as per my wish…hopes to complete soon.

Saee’s favorites toys which she did not like it at first and now these are become her favorites. Every birthday she got many toys, out of which toy she did not like that go to cupboard directly. Then slowly I try to introduce her… say after 4 to 6 months gap. Many of the toys were not as per her age group, that toys I need to store properly and will give her once she reaches that age to understand and play with them. This is my formula for her, because in this way she always gets the new toy whenever she asked to mumma and papa when she got bored with the old toy, and we did not buy anything new for her. Nope this does not mean we are not buying any new toys. Nitin always interested to buy electronic game and me educational game. Because I believe that education game taught your child a lot rather electronic game which works only in one way. Yup…she have so many toys that all her friends come to play with her … her toys only.

Her favorites 5 toys that surprisingly a big hit

1. Mini Laptop

Saee received this as a gift on her first birthday. She used to play with this by open and close. The best part of this Laptop is baby friendly, you know, baby play less and throw more. Yess, she throw it tones of time, but it is still in good condition and she learned a lot from this. She is now 3 and half years old but still this laptop is her favorites and she playing with this. The laptop is still in good condition.

Let me explain what it has

Shapes:  just basic shapes like Triangle, Circle, Square, Heart and Star with proper pronunciations. 

Vehicle Horns: Like she recognize the vehicle by their horns. Like it have Bus, Train, Boat, Ambulance and Aeroplane.

A to Z and numbers from 1 to 10 with pronunciations, she learned to recognize the numbers too.

Musical piano: Which play with 7 different kind of music, its mostly all nursery poem’s music only.
And it also paly Sa re ga ma pa dha ni sa….

Game: Which enhance visual discrimination of the baby? Music comes and it stops on the object. Baby need to recognize the object like shapes and vehicles, once baby recognize that it will be clapping which make the baby happy. Actually, this is designed for small babies.

This is saee’s all time favourite and that is mine too!

2. Her Dolls

She has so many… every girl have…! Yellow and white one is musical, which she refused to take and cried a lot. So I repacked them and gave her on 2 nd birthday which she loved so much. But her all time favorite is the yellow one. Sorry ….I do not have white doll picture.

She used to do all things which mumma does for her. When she get up in the morning mumma brush her teeth and so she brushed dolls teeth, bath her, change her cloth , comb her hair ,feed her breakfast Whatever mumma did for Saee the same is going to make with her doll. Amazing….We used to do the same when we are kid….right or wrong mommiess…!!

3. Fruits:

This one is her you tube toys, when she saw it on you tube she was asking the same. I searched a lot then I found it at local store. Which have a cutting board with knife. She loves to cut her fruits on the cutting board. Said to her papa,… see me too have cutting board like mumma.!!! Ohh…my we mummy are really role model for our kids, hhaaaa…..!!

4. Kitchen Set

This one is every girl’s favorites. I used to play a lot up to 7th  standard. Yesss….she have this full basket with all kitchen cutlery, but her most loving is Gas stove, Frying Pan, Pot with lid, Spoon and Rolling Pin. she used to play with kitchen set and love to makes food for her and papa.She always wanted to have dough from my kitchen to roll her chapatti. Like whenever I make chapatti, she came and asked me for round shaped dough and then she rolls that on her rolling pin. When her papa came from office she used to give a cup with Tea and her chapatti …….it melts my heart and her papa’s too!!

5. Vehicles:

She loves to play with these vehicles. She love car a lot. We have many cars with the same model and same colour. This is her uncle who used to take for her. I am very much happy that she does not like to play only with kitchen set although she loved to play with the cars, trucks, JCB, and many more. We have a full basket of vehicles including small to big vehicles. This is one of the games we used to play to arrange the car in parking area.

Every kid have lots of toys. I want to share with you so that you can get some new idea for gift items whenever you have any celebration for children under or up to the age of 3 years or for your kiddo. I hope this post is helpful to you.

What are your kiddo’s favorite toys that surprise you?

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Thursday, 25 May 2017

Anandwan ------ A journey from stones to Milestones to Smilestones (Part 2)

Hello friends,

As I promised to take you on tour of Anandwan as much as possible. You all know how this small land cultivated by Mr. Baba Amte into Anandwan. So lets go…….....
Lok Biradari Prakalap

Salute to the vision of Mr. Baba Amte!!  He developed this land for leprosy-affected people and now it becomes a small town that have hospital, school, college, hostel, post office and bank too.  All financial support is from abroad. Our Indian Government not able to provide as much as possible support, in terms of providing doctors, pathologist, vehicles and many more. 

Sandhiniketan Apangachi Karmashala. This place is the workshop for handicapped people. They provide a job too.

 Handmade greeting cards by these handicapped people which are exported.

This is one of my favorites…. Kasthashilp Vibhag ( Carpentary)

All carpentry things made by the Leprosy people. Look at this chair..!!! Even the person who have two hand with 10 fingers cannot made such beauty.

These are the beautiful things which made by this people who were suffering leprosy which is cured now.

Next is Hatmag Vinai….(Handmade Sewing)

Towels, bedsheet, sarri, etc. all things made by this blind people.

Lokbiradari Ashramshala….Hostel for boys.

Shramadan….you might heard about this. It was shown on Sunday 21 May 2017 on news channel, they have completed 50 years of Shramadan. It means all young boys and girls or anyone who want to do work they can join their hands and devoted their time to have some Shrama means work. Do u know these people built 7 manmade lake by doing this kind of Shramdan.  They do not face still any water scarcity. Farms of this Anadwan have enough amount of water throughout the year.

Every morning the young girls and boys have to do their daily Shramdan for Andavan.  This is one of the good habits they are cultivating into the young mind.

Boys supposed to bring some green stick of tree for the domestic animals and have to feed them.

Both boys and girls need to cut the vegetables, which are required to prepare food.

This is the big kitchen and canteen where everyone can get the food, including breakfast, lunch and dinner. All vegetables are from that place only. Nobody needs to go market to buy the foodstuff.

Hospital at Anandwan.

Textile at Anandwan

Please stay tune for the next post of Anadwan for the upcoming details. If you want to check my first post click on this link :

Thank you for stopping by.

Tuesday, 9 May 2017

Anandwan ------ A journey from stones to Milestones to Smilestones

From last three years Nitin and I was waiting for this opportunity to visit the Anandwan ….., and yes its in 2017 finally we got the booking.  Glad to know that there are millions of people like us who wanted to visit the place are in queue. It seems good that majority of people showing interest to social work. However, many of the people still does not know what is Anandwan? Who are Prakash Amate and Vikas Amte?

I do not believe in God….but whenever I saw this couple…no no...the whole Amte family, I feel yes, there is God who is present on the earth through this human beings. Dr. Prakash Amate and Dr.. Mandakini Prakash Amate……interantional renowned personality with simple nature. Highly qualified but do not have an ego, prestige and jealousy. They worked for the Adivasi (the people who live in forest) community.

Dr. Vikas Amte….the great human being, who work for leprosy people..…do not able to express his work in words. It took a lot of courage to sacrifice a comfort and cozy life, to serve the Leprosy (Maharogi) people, blind, deaf, handicapped people. 

 Image courtesy: Livenet
They spend their entire life to give this people a normal life as we live with basic needs, education and right to be a human being. They spend almost a six decades and their third generation is now managed the same responsibility.

I am a tiny creature who will not able to capture their work in words. I would like to do a vlog for this. But that was not possible. Here I would like to take you out to visit this place with me. We would not able to sum up the whole Anandwan through this small blog post, but would like to cover the most of the part it. First, post I will try to cover what is this place and in second post I will be give you a small real tour of this place.

This is the brief introduction of MSS….(Source: MSS catalogue).

MSS, Warora is Maharogi Sewa Samiti, Warora founded in 1949, by the internationally renowned development worker and peace activist Murlidhar Devidas Amte (polularly known as Baba Amte), is a not-for-profit, nongovernmental organization that has empowered over 2.6 millions people affected with leprosy and speech impaired, visually and orthopedically challenged and socially backward tribal populace through sustained and effective psycho-socio-economic rehabilitation. (Anandwan:  The headquarter of MSS, was founded by Baba Amte. It is a world renowned, presidential award winner cooperative village which is home to some 2500 people with disabilities and people who lost hope to live.

I)              Somnath: A village where the cured leprosy patients would live together use own resources, blood, sweat and toil. It is food bowl of MSS. Along with intensive modern farming, fishery, dairy-farming and dry land horticulture are also practiced here.

Image courtesy : Bharari Net
II)           Lok Biradari Prakalp, Hemalkasa: This was started in 1973 by Baba Amte for the integrated development of the primitive tribe ‘Madia-Gonds’. The members of this tribe, residing in the deep forest of Gadchiroli district, were living the life of animals, deprived of necessities of life, totally neglected by the rest of the world. Dr. Prakash Amte and his wife Dr, Mandakini volunteered to work among the Madias.

III)              Mulgavan : In October 2006 Baba Amte’s son Dr. Vikas Amte taking along his land army stepped onto the disaster-struck soil of Mulgavan which was reeling under severe penury, illiteracy and a recent deluge of farmer’s suicides. He initiated relief and rescue operation to benefit the local population.

IV)         One of the special programs of MSS is Swaranandwan (A Therapeutic Theatre): This is unique orchestra of the select group leprosy afflicted, visually challenged, orthopedically challenged and hearing and speech impaired people of Anandwan. It is “Therapeutic Theatre” conceived by Dr. Vikas Amte aimed at providing them a psycho-socio rejuvenating therapy by harnessing their latent talents. The Artist has performed in over 3000 shows all over Maharashtra and Delhi.

V)        Amte Animal Ark: This one is orphanage cum rescue centre at Himalkasa for young animals, whose parents have been killed by the tribe people only for food and not for fun. The love of Dr. Prakash Amte cannot be explained in word. I will recommend you to read this Book Negal.  Today this Ark has almost 90 animals.

Apart from that, MSS also have following infrastructure.
Healthcare, Rehabilitation, Education, Special and Vocational, Agriculture, Village developmet, Production Unit, Environment, Bank and post office too.

Let’s move to the Management of MSS:
Baba Amte and his wife Sadhantai, decided to take up the cause of serving leprosy patient. MSS has flourished under the able leadership of Baba and Sadhantai. After Baba, his sons Dr. Vikas and Prakash Amte have taken up the role as flag bearers of MSS. Dr. Vikas Amte is leprosy rights activist and a social entrepreneur changing the lives of millions of people with leprosy and other disabilities.  Dr. Prakash Amate is the Assistant Secretary of MSS and a Padmashree and Ramon Magsaysay awardee. He is the head of Lok Biradari Praklap.

That’s it guys….I hope you all came to know what is this place? How it works? For whom it works? Everyone know Mr. Baba Amte who worked for leprosy people and now you can imagine how big is the jorueny. Stay tune for the upcoming post of Anandwan.

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